
統測歷屆試題 / 103試題詳解(遠東板)


英文試題  解答、翻譯與解析


I. 字彙題:第17題,每題均有一空格字詞,請選擇最適合的答案,以完成該英文句子。第815題,每題均有一個劃底線的字詞,請在四個選項中,選擇一個與劃底線的字詞意義最接近的答案。


( B1.  Since food safety was repeatedly reported in the news, Mom has been more ______ than before about choosing and buying food.

(A) sociable                  (B) cautious                 (C) envious               (D) innocent


(A) 善交際的              (B) 謹慎的                 (C) 嫉妒的              (D) 無罪的

【解析】repeatedly 反覆地      report 報導,報告


( C2.  Due to the heavy rainfall, many roads leading to the downtown area were ______, and many people could not get to school or work.

(A) imported                (B) delivered               (C) blocked              (D) expected


(A) 進口                      (B) 遞送                     (C) 阻塞,封閉      (D) 預期

【解析】due to 由於                 rainfall 降雨(量)   downtown 鬧區的,市中心的


( B3.  The new medicine seems effective because many patients claim they have ______ a great deal from taking it.

(A) invented                 (B) benefited               (C) exchanged          (D) founded


(A) 發明                      (B) 受益                     (C) 交換                  (D) 創立

【解析】effective 有功效的     claim 主張,宣稱      a great deal 相當多,大量


( D4.  It is considered a ______ to deny a person a job because of his or her age or gender.

(A) retirement              (B) statue                    (C) landscape           (D) prejudice


(A) 退休                      (B) 雕像                     (C) 景色,風景      (D) 偏見,歧視

【解析】consider 認為              deny 拒絕,不給與                 gender 性別


( B5.  It doesn’t matter what methods you use; the most important thing is that you complete the project before the ______.

(A) distance                 (B) deadline                (C) depth                  (D) density


(A) 距離                      (B) 最後期限             (C) 深度                  (D) 密度

【解析】it doesn’t matter … ……沒有關係                method 方法

complete 完成             project 計畫,企畫


( A6.  When the sunshine is too bright, we should wear sunglasses to ______ our eyes.

(A) protect                   (B) judge                     (C) greet                   (D) review


(A) 保護                      (B) 評定                     (C) 迎接                  (D) 複習

【解析】sunshine 日光,陽光                   bright 光亮的                   sunglasses 太陽眼鏡


( C7.  We do not have any job openings ______, but we will contact you if that changes.

(A) casually                  (B) culturally               (C) currently             (D) consciously


(A) 不經意地              (B) 文化上                 (C) 目前,現在      (D) 有意識地

【解析】opening 空缺              contact 與……連絡


( A8.  Because of his hard work, my cousin finally realized his goal and entered the university he had dreamed of.

(A) achieved                (B) inspired                 (C) encouraged        (D) organized


(A) 達成,實現          (B) 鼓舞                     (C) 鼓勵                  (D) 組織

【解析】cousin 堂【表】兄弟【姊妹】                     dream of 夢想


( D9.  A strong typhoon is nearing Taiwan, so Tom’s plan to go surfing on this weekend has been rejected by his father.

(A) filled out                (B) brought up            (C) put off                (D) turned down


(A) 填寫                      (B) 撫養                     (C) 延期                  (D) 拒絕

【解析】near 接近,靠近        surfing 衝浪運動       reject 拒絕,駁回


( A ) 10. The glass container has been tightly locked, so almost no air can get into it.

(A) firmly                     (B) mildly                    (C) hardly                 (D) softly


(A) 緊密地                  (B) 稍微                     (C) 幾乎不              (D) 輕輕地

【解析】container 容器            tightly 緊緊地


( D ) 11. This company is very young, established only five years ago, but it made a good deal of profits this year.

(A) dropped out           (B) taken after             (C) put forward        (D) set up


(A) 退出                      (B) 與……相似         (C) 提出                  (D) 設立

【解析】establish 創辦,創立             a good deal of 大量的……            profit 利,利潤


( D ) 12. David’s mother asked Sally about her parents’ occupations. She wanted to know where they worked.

(A) locations                (B) goals                      (C) reactions             (D) jobs


(A) 地點                      (B) 目標                     (C) 反應                  (D) 工作

【解析】occupation 職業,工作


( A ) 13. Identical twins look exactly the same. Sometimes even their parents cannot tell one from the other.

(A) completely             (B) suddenly               (C) naturally             (D) partially


(A) 完全地                  (B) 突然間                 (C) 自然地              (D) 部分地

【解析】identical twins 同卵雙胞胎 à identical 相同的                          exactly 完全

tell … from … 辨別


( A ) 14. People all over the world show their basic emotions with similar facial expressions.

(A) feelings                  (B) positions                (C) movements         (D) abilities


(A) 感情                      (B) 位置                     (C) 動作                  (D) 能力

【解析】basic 基礎的,基本的                                   emotion (喜怒哀樂的)感情

facial expression 臉上的表情


( B ) 15. Scholarly books that promote mankind’s knowledge are aimed at making our lives better.

(A) consist of               (B) contribute to         (C) interfere with     (D) originate from


(A) 組成                      (B) 促成,助長         (C) 妨礙                  (D) 開始

【解析】scholarly 學術上的     promote 促進             mankind 人類         aim at 以……為目標



II. 對話題:第1625題,請依對話內容選出一個最適合的答案,使其成為有意義的對話。


( A ) 16. Tim: Let’s go see the Rubber Duck in Keelung City Harbor.

Kelly: _______________

Tim: Why not?

Kelly: I have to work on my project. It’s due tomorrow.

(A) I’d love to, but I can’t.                              (B) I went to Keelung last week.

(C) Sure, when are we going?                          (D) Great! I like Rubber Duck very much.





(A) 我很想去,但是不能去。                      (B) 我上禮拜去過基隆了。

(C) 當然好,我們什麼時候去?                  (D) 太棒了!我很喜歡黃色小鴨。

【解析】harbor 海港                 due 到期的,預定到達的


( D ) 17. Leo: Are you going to the countdown party this year?

Dennis: Sure, the annual fireworks show is great. I don’t want to miss it.

Leo: _______________

Dennis: Well, taking the bus is the best way.

(A) You can’t miss it.                                       (B) The party is in front of the city hall.

(C) Do you like fireworks?                              (D) How would you go there?





(A) 你一定會找到的。                                  (B) 晚會在市府前面舉行。

(C) 你喜歡看煙火嗎?                                  (D) 你會怎麼去?

【解析】countdown 倒數計時                annual 年度的               city hall 市政廳,市府大樓

firework(s) 煙火(大會)


( B ) 18. Mom: Linda, take out the garbage. The garbage truck is coming.

Linda: It’s Peter’s turn today.

Mom: _______________

Linda: Then he should take out the garbage tomorrow.

(A) Peter doesn’t like trucks.                           (B) He’s not home yet.

(C) The truck comes every other day.              (D) OK, it’s a great turning point.





(A) 彼得不喜歡垃圾車。                              (B) 他還沒到家。

(C) 垃圾車兩天來一次。                              (D) 好,那是很好的轉機。

【解析】garbage truck 垃圾車                turn 輪流,順序           every other … 每隔一……

turning point 轉捩點,轉機


( A ) 19. Kimoko: Have you ever tried stinky tofu?

Ted: Of course.

Kimoko: _______________

Ted: Yesterday.

(A) When did you last try it?                           (B) How did you try it?

(C) Where did you last try it?                          (D) What did you try?





(A) 你最近一次品嚐是在什麼時候?          (B) 你是如何品嚐的?

(C) 你最近一次是在哪裡品嚐的?              (D) 你品嚐了什麼?

【解析】stinky tofu 臭豆腐      last 最近,上次


( C ) 20. Victor: Hi, I’m a new student here and I need a place to stay.

Receptionist: Do you prefer a room in an apartment or in a house?

Victor: _______________

Receptionist: Let me show you the room.

(A) The rent is cheap.                                       (B) Thanks for your offer.

(C) I’d like a room in a house.                         (D) Yes, many rooms are on sale.





(A) 房租很便宜。                                          (B) 謝謝你的提議。

(C) 我想要獨棟的房子。                              (D) 是的,很多房子都在出售。

【解析】receptionist 接待員,櫃臺人員                     rent 房租,租金

offer 提供,提議       on sale 出售,上市


( C ) 21. Pin: I need to find a part-time job.

Manager: _______________

Pin: I can type very well.

(A) What can I do for you?                             (B) Why do you need a job?

(C) What are you good at?                              (D) How much do you ask for?




(A) 有什麼可以為你效勞的?                      (B) 你為什麼需要一份工作?

(C) 你擅長什麼?                                          (D) 你要求多少?

【解析】part-time adj. 兼職的                 type v. 打字                  good at 擅長……

ask for 要求


( B ) 22. Rich: It’s really cold today.

Helen: I’m having hot coffee. Do you want some?

Rich: _______________

(A) Yes, I like hot chocolate a lot.                   (B) No, I prefer tea with milk.

(C) No, hot coffee is better.                             (D) Yes, I’ll stay inside.




(A) 好啊,我很喜歡熱巧克力。                  (B) 不了,我比較喜歡喝茶加牛奶。

(C) 不要,熱咖啡比較好。                          (D) 好啊,我會待在室內。

【解析】prefer v. 比較喜歡            inside adv. 在室內


( A ) 23. Nick: Art Café is really nice.

David: Yes, it is. It’s new.

Nick: When did it open?

David: _______________

(A) Two weeks ago.                                         (B) Three times a week.

(C) Every weekend.                                         (D) Next week.





(A) 兩個禮拜前。                                          (B) 一個禮拜三次。

(C) 每個週末。                                              (D) 下個禮拜。

【解析】open v. 開幕


( D ) 24. Louis: I need to go to the drugstore for some vitamins.

Mandy: _______________

Louis: That’s not true. Vitamins can provide most of the nutrients we need.

(A) I need some, too.                                       (B) They’re good for you.

(C) I cannot agree with you more.                   (D) Those pills don’t really help.




(A) 我也需要一些。                                      (B) 它們對你有好處。

(C) 我完全同意。                                          (D) 那些藥丸其實沒什麼用。

【解析】drugstore n. 藥局        vitamin n. 維他命      provide v. 提供

nutrient n. 營養           can’t agree (with you) more 完全同意


( C ) 25. Nina: Hi, Kim. How was your trip?

Kim: Great. It was fun to meet different people in different cities.

Nina: _______________

Kim: Taipei is my favorite.

(A) Where did you visit?                                 (B) How many cities have you been to?

(C) Which city do you like most?                    (D) How much did you spend?





(A) 妳去了哪裡?                                          (B) 妳曾經去過幾個城市?

(C) 妳最喜歡哪個城市?                              (D) 妳花了多少錢?

【解析】trip n. 旅程,旅途      favorite adj. 最喜愛的



III. 綜合測驗:以下兩篇短文,共有15個空格,為第2640題,每題有四個選項,請依各篇短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。



Distracted1 walking, like distracted driving, is now a cause of injuries and fatalities2. A recent study shows that more and more people ended up3 in the hospital __26__ walking while using their phones. In the United States, the number of people who __27__ seriously doubled from 2004 to 2010. It also found that __28__ who were guilty of4 distracted walking were much less likely to look before crossing streets or obey traffic signals. The problem may be caused by misguided5 ideas of multi-tasking6. Many people think that they are able to function7 effectively8 when they are texting9 __29__ they are walking. __30__, the fact is that each task has to be given full attention. There are several __31__ solutions10. One way is to teach children safe texting, and __32__ is to punish distracted walking. These are just some of the means of improving11 road safety.





1. distracted adj. 注意力分散的,分心的

2. fatality n. 死亡人數

3. end up 結果是……

4. be guilty of 犯下……罪

5. misguided adj. 被誤導的

6. multi-tasking n. 一心多用

7. function v. 完成任務

8. effectively adv. 有效地

9. text v. 發簡訊

10. solution n. 解決方法

11. improve v. 促進,改善



( A ) 26. (A) as a result of          (B) in addition to        (C) in the end                 (D) in order that

【翻譯】(A) 因為                      (B) 除了……之外     (C) 最後                       (D) 為了……

【解析】空格後說明了進醫院的原因,所以答案為 (A)


( B ) 27. (A) injure                      (B) were injured          (C) were injuring            (D) injured

【解析】injure是一個及物動詞,表示後面必須接受詞,所以 (A)(C)(D) 皆為錯誤用法。(B) injured是形容詞,因此為正確答案。


( C ) 28. (A) passengers              (B) motorists               (C) pedestrians               (D) cyclists

【翻譯】(A) 乘客                      (B) 機車騎士             (C) 行人                        (D) 腳踏車騎士

【解析】會「走路」分心的只有 (C)


( C ) 29. (A) so as to                   (B) such as                  (C) at the same time as   (D) in spite of

【翻譯】(A) 以便                      (B) 例如                     (C) 同時                        (D) 儘管

【解析】因為整篇文章就是在講走路分心的事,所以依照文意答案為 (C)


( A ) 30. (A) However                (B) Mostly                   (C) For example             (D) Similarly

【翻譯】(A) 然而                      (B) 多半                     (C) 例如                        (D) 同樣地

【解析】前一句說大家都認為自己能夠一心多用,而本句則說事實上做每件事都應該全神貫注,在語氣上是一大轉折,因此使用代表轉折語氣的副詞 (A)


( B ) 31. (A) suggest                   (B) suggested              (C) suggesting                (D) suggestion

【解析】依照句構,名詞solution前面應填入形容詞,因此剔除 (A) (D)。現在分詞與過去分詞都可作為形容詞,現在分詞代表主動動作,過去分詞代表被動動作,解決的方法是「被」建議的,所以答案為 (B)


( C ) 32. (A) some                      (B) several                   (C) another                     (D) other

【翻譯】(A) 一些                      (B) 一些                    (C) 另外一個               (D) 其他

【解析】空格後接單數動詞,表示主詞為單數,所以 (A)(B) 錯誤。而沒有特定的「另一個」用的是another,答案為 (C)

One … the other … 特定的另一個               One … another … 未特定的另一個



Freedom of speech is very important in many countries. It means that people should have the freedom to speak openly1 __33__ any limitation2. Despite this, in the past, many big television news stations and newspapers controlled the news to which we had __34__. This permitted3 the news we saw to be framed4 to suit particular views. However, news reporting is changing every day. From the Internet and television, people can learn about the __35__ news 24 hours a day. A lot of the news is provided by ordinary people like you and me, so-called citizen reporters.

Today user-generated5 information can easily be found __36__ the Internet. Citizen reporters now upload their news stories for everyone to see. The use of digital cameras, cell phones, or webcams6 __37__ it even easier for anyone to become a reporter. It is also possible for people to __38__ the news almost as soon as it takes place7. The news can be about sudden events, or it can just be about cultural festivals that __39__ in their hometown. __40__ kind of news it is, citizen reporting is here to stay8. Why don’t you try being a citizen reporter and introduce something interesting about Taiwan?






1. openly adv. 公然

2. limitation n. 限制

3. permit v. 讓,使……可能

4. frame v. 給予框架

5. generate v. 形成,產生

6. webcam n. 網路攝影機

7. take place 發生

8. be here to stay(流行、習慣等)被普遍接受,存在下去



( A ) 33. (A) without                  (B) since                      (C) for                            (D) about

【翻譯】(A) 沒有                      (B) 自從                     (C) 為了                        (D) 關於

【解析】空格前的openly已經給了提示,任何限制都應該是沒有的,所以選 (A)


( D ) 34. (A) burden                   (B) belief                     (C) arrival                       (D) access

【翻譯】(A) 重擔                                                          (B) 信念

(C) 到達                                                          (D)(資料等的)取得

【解析】have access to 得以取用


( A ) 35. (A) latest                      (B) less                        (C) latter                         (D) least

【翻譯】(A) 最新的                  (B) 較少的                 (C) 較晚的                    (D) 最少的

【解析】latest news 最新消息


( A ) 36. (A) on                           (B) under                     (C) by                             (D) of

【解析】on the Internet 在網路上


( C ) 37. (A) is made                  (B) make                     (C) has made                  (D) have made

【解析】該句的主詞是The use of digital cameras, cell phones, or webcams,為第三人稱單數,所以 (B)(D) 錯誤。另外該句並非被動語態,所以答案為 (C)


( B ) 38. (A) resolve                   (B) receive                   (C) inform                      (D) invest

【翻譯】(A) 決心                      (B) 接受                     (C) 通知                        (D) 投資

【解析】民眾在新聞發生的時候是「接收者」的角色,所以依照文意選擇 (B)


( C ) 39. (A) break                      (B) happens                 (C) happen                     (D) breaks

【解析】關係子句的that代表的是先行詞cultural festivals,所以動詞不需要加s(B)(D) 錯誤,依照文意,這些新聞的「發生」要選 (C)


( D ) 40. (A) Whenever              (B) Any                       (C) Some                        (D) Whatever

【翻譯】(A) 無論何時              (B) 任何                    (C) 一些                       (D) 不管什麼

【解析】(A) Whenever 不是形容詞,不能放在名詞前面,故錯誤。所以依照文意答案為 (D)



IV. 閱讀測驗:以下有兩篇短文,共有10個題目,為第4150題,請於閱讀短文後選出最適當的答案。



Have you ever skipped1 sleeping over a video game? Computer game designers often create interesting video games to tempt2 players to keep playing. These days, many employees are found to play video games at work even though their employers have set rules to stop them from doing so. In fact, video game addiction3 is regarded as harmful4, just like addiction to drugs, alcohol, or gambling, and should be treated with care.

In the workplace, addicted5 players are often seen as lazy, not sick; their bosses are not sympathetic6 to their addiction. If they have been caught several times playing video games at work, their salary may be cut, and even worse, they may lose their jobs. In some companies, the addicted players are allowed to play video games only on stressful7 days, but their bosses will check their computers from time to time to make sure that they are doing their work. However, while some companies continue to find some methods of preventing8 workday playing, addicted players still have their own ways to enjoy playing video games during working hours.






1.  skip v. 省去;略過,跳過

2.  tempt v. 誘惑

3.  addiction n. 上癮

4.  harmful adj. 有害的

5.  addicted adj. 上癮的

6.  sympathetic adj. 同情的

7.  stressful adj. 壓力沈重的

8.  prevent v. 阻止,預防



( D ) 41. What is the passage mainly about?

(A) Video game jobs.                                       (B) Computer game designers.

(C) Computer game companies.                       (D) Video game addicts.


(A) 電玩遊戲的工作。                                  (B) 電腦遊戲設計師。

(C) 電腦遊戲業者。                                      (D) 沈迷電玩遊戲的人。

【解析】全文均在敘述沈迷電玩遊戲的人,在職場上可能會遭遇的情況,故答案選 (D)


( B ) 42. According to the passage, why do some companies allow their workers to play video games?

(A) Because they can improve computer skills.

(B) Because they can feel relaxed when stressed out.

(C) Because they can learn important gaming skills.

(D) Because they can design more interesting games.


(A) 因為他們可以改善自己的電腦技術。

(B) 因為壓力大的時候,打電玩可以讓他們放鬆。

(C) 因為他們可以學到重要的打電玩技巧。

(D) 因為他們可以設計出更有趣的遊戲。

【解析】第二段第三句提到有些公司只允許員工在壓力沈重「stressful」的日子裡打電玩,故可推測該公司會允許應是因為這樣可以使員工暫時抒解壓力,放鬆心情,然後再度專注於工作上。故答案選 (B)


( C ) 43. According to the passage, which of the following is similar to video game addiction?

(A) Addiction to work.                                                                     (B) Addiction to sports.

(C) Addiction to drugs.                                   (D) Addiction to sleep.


(A) 對工作上癮。                                          (B) 對運動上癮。

(C) 對毒品上癮。                                          (D) 對睡覺上癮。

【解析】第一段最後一句提到,對電玩上癮就如同對毒品、酒精或者賭博上癮一樣 (… just like addiction to drugs, alcohol, or gambling, and should be treated with care.),故答案應選 (C)


( A ) 44. According to the passage, what may some companies do to their workers addicted to video games?

(A) To cut their pay.

(B) To send them to the doctor.

(C) To give them a computer that cannot play video games.

(D) To help them find ways of playing video games.


(A) 減薪。

(B) 將他們送醫。

(C) 給他們一台沒辦法打電玩的電腦。

(D) 幫助他們找法子來打電玩。

【解析】根據第二段提到上班打電玩可能會遭到減薪,或者甚至革職 (… their salary may be cut, and even worse, they may lose their jobs.),故答案應選 (A)


( B ) 45. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

(A) Companies may check workers’ computers to see if they play video games during work.

(B) Video game addicts are rewarded with higher pay for playing at work.

(C) Companies keep finding ways to stop workers from playing video games while working.

(D) Video game addiction is a behavior which has to be treated like alcoholism.


(A) 公司會檢查員工的電腦,看他們是否有在上班時間打電玩。

(B) 對電玩上癮的人在上班時間打電玩會被獎勵加薪。

(C) 公司一直想辦法要阻止員工在上班時間打電玩。

(D) 沈迷電玩是一種如同酗酒一般必須要加以治療的行為。

【解析】第二段第二句提到,上班時間被抓到打電玩可能會被減薪,或者甚至革職,跟 (B)為顛倒,故知 (B) 錯。



A new food bank was just opened recently in Taichung. People in financial1 difficulties can go there to pick up relief2 products, and like going to a supermarket, they can get what they need, free of charge3 and with dignity4. In all food banks, items are donated5 by businesses, with a small number of products, such as diapers6 and vitamins7, purchased with subsidies8 from the city government. One important goal of the food banks is to reduce the waste9 of resources10 while giving away11 food and other daily necessities12 to those in need. Most food banks often hand out13 food packs14 without giving recipients15 a choice of the items. In that way, products still go to waste if the recipients are unable to use them. Moreover, the food packs do not contain milk powder or diapers to meet the needs of infants. However, at the new supermarket-like food bank, recipients can choose what they want and what they need from a wide range of products, which include diapers, infant formula16 milk powder, and children’s shoes.

In addition, the new food bank holds activities similar to those in other food banks. For instance, volunteers plan special holiday surprises for recipients and give away festive foods such as mooncakes. The main beneficiaries17 of food banks are the people who need a helping hand to avoid extreme poverty. Regardless of how they work, all food banks share the same goal: to lift disadvantaged18 families out of poverty.






1.      financial adj. 財務的,金融的

2.      relief n. 救濟物資;放心

3.      free of charge 免費地

4.      dignity n. 尊嚴

5.      donate v. 捐贈

6.      diaper n. 尿布

7.      vitamin n. 維他命

8.      subsidy n. 補助金,津貼

9.      waste n. 浪費;廢物

10.  resource n. 資源

11.  give away 免費贈送

12.  necessity n. 必需品

13.  hand out 分發,分配

14.  pack n. 包裹

15.  recipient n. 領受者

16.  formula n. 配方奶;公式

17.  beneficiary n. 受惠者,受益人

18.  disadvantaged adj. 弱勢的



( B ) 46. What is the purpose of food banks?

(A) To sell food at a reasonable price to all consumers.

(B) To provide goods for free to people in financial need.

(C) To build a supermarket-like environment for shoppers.

(D) To get rid of unwanted goods and foods.


(A) 以合理的價格將食物賣給所有消費者。

(B) 免費提供物品給財務困難的人。

(C) 為購物人潮建立一個超市般的環境。

(D) 丟掉不想要的貨物與食品。

【解析】第一段第二句及提到食物銀行的目的,就是免費提供食物給財物況困難的人 (People in financial difficulties can go there to pick up relief products, and like going to a supermarket, they can get what they need, free of charge and with dignity.),故答案選 (B)


( B ) 47. How is the supermarket-like food bank different from other food banks?

(A) It sells all kinds of food, so nothing is wasted.

(B) It allows recipients to choose what they need.

(C) It receives help from the government.

(D) It holds activities for special holidays.


(A) 它販賣各種食品,因此不會浪費任何東西。

(B) 它允許援助對象選擇自己所需要的東西。

(C) 它接受政府的幫助。

(D) 它會針對特殊節日舉辦活動。

【解析】第一段中間提到這間像超市的食物銀行與其他食物銀行不同之處就是它讓救濟對象自己選擇想要拿什麼東西 (… recipients can choose what they want and what they need from a wide range of products, which include diapers, infant formula milk powder, and children’s shoes.)


( D ) 48. According to the passage, which of the following is true?

(A) Relief products are wasted if recipients choose what they want.

(B) The city government buys only vitamins and diapers.

(C) The supermarket-style food bank meets the needs of infants only.

(D) Food banks work to improve the life of the poor.


(A) 如果援助對象可以選擇自己想要的東西,那麼救濟的物資就會浪費掉。

(B) 市政府只購買維他命跟尿布。

(C) 這家像超市的食物銀行只符合了嬰兒的需求。

(D) 食物銀行努力改善窮人的生活。

【解析】最後一句提到所有食物銀行的共同目的就是要讓弱勢家庭擺脫貧窮 (… to lift disadvantaged families out of poverty.),故答案 (D) 最為貼近。文中提到如果救濟對象可以自己選擇,就不會浪費物資,故 (A) 錯。政府的補助金是用來買如尿布跟維他命之類的東西,而不是「只」買這兩樣東西,故 (B) 錯。這家像超市的食物銀行有提供嬰兒所需的東西,卻不「只」符合嬰兒的需求,故 (C) 錯。


( C ) 49. Which of the following is closest in meaning to pick up in line 2 of the first paragraph?

(A) clean                      (B) understand            (C) get                      (D) learn


(A) 清潔                      (B) 瞭解                    (C) 拿到                  (D) 知道



( D ) 50. Which of the following groups is NOT the beneficiaries of food banks, as mentioned in the second paragraph?

(A) The poor.                (B) People in need.     (C) Food recipients. (D) Business owners.


(A) 窮人。                  (B) 有需要的人。     (C) 食物領取人。  (D) 企業所有人。

【解析】文中提到食物銀行大多數的東西都是由企業捐助,故企業所有人不可能是受惠者,所以答案選 (D)


